Avoid eating massive amounts of protein at one meal. Whether you are a young athlete or a 70-year-old recovering from an illness, physical activity is an essential part of muscle weight gain. Working out with weights or resistance exercise will push muscles to grow. Unfortunately, muscles don't automatically expand in response to high-protein intake. This is a common misconception promoted by the protein supplement industry. More protein doesn't automatically translate to bigger muscles. Premium membership allows you to customize this and other macro targets. If you track using MyNetDiary, the default recommendation for protein is 20% of total calories. The acceptable range of daily protein intake falls between 10-35% of calories. To build muscle, you'll want to make sure you meet your protein needs. Sauté your vegetables in oil, rather than steaming or boiling.Use whole milk and full-fat yogurt, not low-fat or skim.

Spread a little extra butter or nut butter on toast or bagels.Add croutons, grated cheese, or nuts to salads.Add one to two teaspoons of oil or butter to foods like pasta, rice, hot cereal, vegetables, or soups.Instead of trying to consume huge portions, add calories in sneaky, invisible ways. Using even the best tips, some people find adding calories to meals a real challenge, especially when working on healthy weight gain once lost during an illness.

Gaining weight is not easy, and it takes a lot of effort and energy! Creative ways to boost calories Don't be surprised if you end up feeling like you are eating all the time. Many people find that if they eat something every two to three hours, they can meet their daily calorie goals. To keep your energy up and aid digestion, break up your calories over the day instead of eating a gigantic dinner and snacking until bedtime. For example, strive for 700-calorie meals and 300-calorie snacks. If planning to eat 3,000 calories a day, you should eat roughly 1,000 before noon. Divide your daily calorie needs into three parts Tip: To figure out how many calories/day you need to eat to gain weight, sign-up for MyNetDiary. Try dividing your meals and snacks equally throughout the day, and strive to eat three meals and three snacks every day. The best way to ensure you get enough calories each day to promote muscle is to eat consistently. Under-eating calories from carbs and fat while loading up on protein to build muscles won't work. To gain weight, you must eat and drink more calories or fuel than you burn. Get started with these tips for healthy weight gain Adequate fuel If you want to get the weight back and meet your goals without resorting to protein shakes meal after meal, read on for ways to gain through healthy choices. A surprising number of people have experienced unintentional weight loss at some point in their life. If the loss of weight due to illness or stress has you looking for tips for healthy weight gain, you are not alone. Joanna Kriehn, MS, RDN, CDCES - Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)